How to prepare for your birthing experience….

This is the exciting and mystery as you coming to the end of pregnancy. Decorating the room, buying clothes, baby showers, etc. Will your partner be with you, your mother, friend and or doula? Do you have a birth plan? You and your baby lived as one for 9 months, now it is time for baby to come into the world and be as one. Love by you as joyful on the inside and now even more on the outside.

  1. During your second and third trimester take a birthing class.

  2. Decide on a support system like your partner along with a doula if you decide on that as a plan.

  3. Create the birth plan.

  4. Pack a hospital bag (ahead of time).

  5. Talking to your birthing partner regarding the plan and work together.

  6. Eat healthy.

  7. Try and exercise daily-walking-squatting-stair-stepping etc.

  8. Practice relaxation techniques: Breathing-meditation-music-dancing.

  9. Continue your doctor visits most of all.


Six Key Points in STAGES of LABOR


Your Birthing Experience